Super Smash Bros. Fanon


Lana summons a Deku Scrub that fires eight Deku shots forwards that relentlessly barrage opponents hit by them; the bullets easily wear down shields to the breaking point.


The Deku Scrub deals 4% when it appears and 16% if all shots it fires connect.


The attack breaks shields.


Armor Break is a move from Dynasty Warriors; this one takes inspiration from Lana's Deku Staff Armor Break in Hyrule Warriors.

Custom Variations[]

Custom Move 2[]

Book of Sorcery: Instead of the Deku Staff Armor Break, Lana uses the Book of Sorcery Armor Break; she summons a magic block a distance away from her and then smashes into it; opponents caught between Lana and the block are damaged.

Custom Move 3[]

Summoning Gate: Lana creates two portals a distance away from her that blast columns of flame forth from them; the portals then turn to face inwards to each other, blazing anyone caught between them with flames.

Custom Move 4[]

Rampaging Cucco: Lana uses her Summoning Gate to summon a Cucco to the stage (a big one) that charges forwards and rams opponents out of the way. If the Cucco is attacked by an opponent, it will deal more damage to them.

